
Our templates are plain html5 files with visual components as div elements and variable placeholders with {{}} notation, providing a logic-less template system.

You can place conditions inside Container visual component. You set conditions in view definition and attach rendering actions to conditions defined.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Ximpia - Change Password</title>
<div id="id_popup"
        data-xp="{title: 'Change Password'}" ></div>
<!-- Content -->
<section id="id_content" class="sectionContent">
<div id="id_changePassword">
<form id="form_userChangePassword" action="" method="post" data-xp="{}">
<!-- ximpiaId -->
<div id="id_username_comp"
        data-xp="{tabindex: '1', label: 'XimpiaId', 'readonly': 'readonly'}" > </div>
<!-- password -->
<div id="id_password_comp" data-xp-type="field"  style="margin-top: 10px"
        data-xp="{type: 'password', info: true}" ></div>
<!-- newPassword -->
<div id="id_newPassword_comp" data-xp-type="field" style="margin-top: 10px"
        data-xp="{type: 'password', info: true, class: 'passwordStrength'}" ></div>
<!-- newPasswordConfirm -->
<div id="id_newPasswordConfirm_comp" data-xp-type="field" style="margin-top: 10px"
        data-xp="{type: 'password', info: true}" ></div>
<!-- Content -->
<!-- Page Button Bar -->
<section id="id_sectionButton" class="sectionButton">
<div id="id_popupButton" class="btBar">
<div id="id_doChangePassword_comp" data-xp-type="button"
                data-xp="{  form: 'form_userChangePassword',
                            align: 'right',
                            text: 'Save',
                            type: 'iconPopup',
                            mode: 'actionMsg',
                            action: 'changePassword',
                            clickStatus: 'disable',
                            icon: 'save'}" ></div>
<!-- Page Button Bar -->

Visual Context

Server-side data is serialized into a visual context, a JSON data entity having forms, lists and other attributes you may insert from your service views and actions.

Example visual context for ximpia.com home page:

{   'errors': [],
    'response': {   'app': 'ximpia_site',
                    'appSlug': u'front',
                    'defaultApp': 'front',
                    'form_home': {   'ERR_GEN_VALIDATION': {   'class': 'field',
                                                               'data-xp-type': 'input.hidden',
                                                               'fieldType': 'HiddenField',
                                                               'helpText': u'',
                                                               'jsRequired': None,
                                                               'label': None,
                                                               'name': 'ERR_GEN_VALIDATION',
                                                               'required': None,
                                                               'type': 'hidden',
                                                               'value': u'Error validating your data. Check errors marked in red'},
                                     'action': {   'class': 'field',
                                                   'data-xp-type': 'input.hidden',
                                                   'fieldType': 'HiddenField',
                                                   'helpText': u'',
                                                   'jsRequired': None,
                                                   'label': None,
                                                   'name': 'action',
                                                   'required': None,
                                                   'type': 'hidden',
                                                   'value': ''},
                                     'app': {   'class': 'field',
                                                'data-xp-type': 'input.hidden',
                                                'fieldType': 'HiddenField',
                                                'helpText': u'',
                                                'jsRequired': None,
                                                'label': None,
                                                'name': 'app',
                                                'required': None,
                                                'type': 'hidden',
                                                'value': 'ximpia_site'},
                                     'buttonConstants': {   'class': 'field',
                                                            'data-xp-type': 'input.hidden',
                                                            'fieldType': 'HiddenField',
                                                            'helpText': u'',
                                                            'jsRequired': None,
                                                            'label': None,
                                                            'name': 'buttonConstants',
                                                            'required': None,
                                                            'type': 'hidden',
                                                            'value': u"[['close','Close']]"},
                                     'choices': {   'class': 'field',
                                                    'data-xp-type': 'input.hidden',
                                                    'fieldType': 'HiddenField',
                                                    'helpText': u'',
                                                    'jsRequired': None,
                                                    'label': None,
                                                    'name': 'choices',
                                                    'required': None,
                                                    'type': 'hidden',
                                                    'value': '{}'},
                                     'dbObjects': {   'class': 'field',
                                                      'data-xp-type': 'input.hidden',
                                                      'fieldType': 'HiddenField',
                                                      'helpText': u'',
                                                      'jsRequired': None,
                                                      'label': None,
                                                      'name': 'dbObjects',
                                                      'required': None,
                                                      'type': 'hidden',
                                                      'value': '{}'},
                                     'entryFields': {   'class': 'field',
                                                        'data-xp-type': 'input.hidden',
                                                        'fieldType': 'HiddenField',
                                                        'helpText': u'',
                                                        'jsRequired': None,
                                                        'label': None,
                                                        'name': 'entryFields',
                                                        'required': None,
                                                        'type': 'hidden',
                                                        'value': '{}'},
                                     'errorMessages': {   'class': 'field',
                                                          'data-xp-type': 'input.hidden',
                                                          'fieldType': 'HiddenField',
                                                          'helpText': u'',
                                                          'jsRequired': None,
                                                          'label': None,
                                                          'name': 'errorMessages',
                                                          'required': None,
                                                          'type': 'hidden',
                                                          'value': '{}'},
                                     'facebookAppId': {   'class': 'field',
                                                          'data-xp-type': 'input.hidden',
                                                          'fieldType': 'HiddenField',
                                                          'helpText': u'',
                                                          'jsRequired': None,
                                                          'label': None,
                                                          'name': 'facebookAppId',
                                                          'required': None,
                                                          'type': 'hidden',
                                                          'value': ''},
                                     'msg_ok': {   'class': 'field',
                                                   'data-xp-type': 'input.hidden',
                                                   'fieldType': 'HiddenField',
                                                   'helpText': u'',
                                                   'jsRequired': None,
                                                   'label': None,
                                                   'name': 'msg_ok',
                                                   'required': None,
                                                   'type': 'hidden',
                                                   'value': u' '},
                                     'okMessages': {   'class': 'field',
                                                       'data-xp-type': 'input.hidden',
                                                       'fieldType': 'HiddenField',
                                                       'helpText': u'',
                                                       'jsRequired': None,
                                                       'label': None,
                                                       'name': 'okMessages',
                                                       'required': None,
                                                       'type': 'hidden',
                                                       'value': '{}'},
                                     'params': {   'class': 'field',
                                                   'data-xp-type': 'input.hidden',
                                                   'fieldType': 'HiddenField',
                                                   'helpText': u'',
                                                   'jsRequired': None,
                                                   'label': None,
                                                   'name': 'params',
                                                   'required': None,
                                                   'type': 'hidden',
                                                   'value': '{"viewMode": ["update", "delete"]}'},
                                     'pkFields': {   'class': 'field',
                                                     'data-xp-type': 'input.hidden',
                                                     'fieldType': 'HiddenField',
                                                     'helpText': u'',
                                                     'jsRequired': None,
                                                     'label': None,
                                                     'name': 'pkFields',
                                                     'required': None,
                                                     'type': 'hidden',
                                                     'value': '{}'},
                                     'result': {   'class': 'field',
                                                   'data-xp-type': 'input.hidden',
                                                   'fieldType': 'HiddenField',
                                                   'helpText': u'',
                                                   'jsRequired': None,
                                                   'label': None,
                                                   'name': 'result',
                                                   'required': None,
                                                   'type': 'hidden',
                                                   'value': ' '},
                                     'siteMedia': {   'class': 'field',
                                                      'data-xp-type': 'input.hidden',
                                                      'fieldType': 'HiddenField',
                                                      'helpText': u'',
                                                      'jsRequired': None,
                                                      'label': None,
                                                      'name': 'siteMedia',
                                                      'required': None,
                                                      'type': 'hidden',
                                                      'value': '/static/media/'},
                                     'viewNameSource': {   'class': 'field',
                                                           'data-xp-type': 'input.hidden',
                                                           'fieldType': 'HiddenField',
                                                           'helpText': u'',
                                                           'jsRequired': None,
                                                           'label': None,
                                                           'name': 'viewNameSource',
                                                           'required': None,
                                                           'type': 'hidden',
                                                           'value': ''},
                                     'viewNameTarget': {   'class': 'field',
                                                           'data-xp-type': 'input.hidden',
                                                           'fieldType': 'HiddenField',
                                                           'helpText': u'',
                                                           'jsRequired': None,
                                                           'label': None,
                                                           'name': 'viewNameTarget',
                                                           'required': None,
                                                           'type': 'hidden',
                                                           'value': ' '}},
                    'isDefaultApp': False,
                    'isLogin': False,
                    'menus': {   'main': [],
                                 'service': [   {   'action': '',
                                                    'app': u'ximpia_site',
                                                    'appSlug': u'front',
                                                    'description': u'Home',
                                                    'icon': u'iconHome',
                                                    'image': '',
                                                    'isCurrent': True,
                                                    'isDefaultApp': True,
                                                    'items': [],
                                                    'name': u'home',
                                                    'params': {   },
                                                    'sep': False,
                                                    'service': u'Web',
                                                    'title': u'Home',
                                                    'view': u'home',
                                                    'viewSlug': u'home',
                                                    'winType': u'window',
                                                    'zone': u'service'}],
                                 'sys': [],
                                 'view': []},
                    'settings': {   u'NUMBER_RESULTS_LIST': 50,
                                    u'SIGNUP_SOCIAL_NETWORK': False,
                                    u'SIGNUP_USER_PASSWORD': True,
                                    u'SITE_SIGNUP_INVITATION': False},
                    'tmpl': {   u'home': u'home'},
                    'view': 'home',
                    'viewSlug': u'home',
                    'winType': u'window'},
    'status': 'OK'}
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